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Welcome to the PostalCAD Classroom Training Page


Our week-long classroom courses are conveniently conducted at the USPS Dewey Building in Fairfax, Virginia. Classroom instruction consists of two sessions daily Monday through Thursday, and a single morning session on Friday. Morning sessions are from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and afternoon sessions are from 1-4 p.m. Each session has several break periods, keeping students refreshed for learning. 

NEOSYS Corporation uses an exclusive training environment for each class, providing students with a powerful Intel Core I3, 3.0 Ghz laptops with 4 GB of RAM, for enhanced performance and speed. An additional flat screen monitor is provided for each student laptop, with a state-of-the-art high resolution projection system for the instructor.

With a maximum of nine seats per class, our students actively participate in the instruction and are encouraged to ask questions related to their particular site or general Postal Service operations. This enriched learning experience equips students for working on their particular projects upon returning from training.




See our Course Matrix for course prerequisites, 

or for determining which course best suits your experience level.


See our Calendar page for a posting of available class dates and times.


Learn about course sign-up procedures on our Registration page.


Information for alternative site training solutions can be found on our Site Training page.

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