Training Registration
Registration for PostalCAD 2023 training is simple and easy. Our knowledgeable registrar, Ms. Kelly Williams, will assist you with class availability, prerequisites, pricing, and registration. Please contact Kelly by phone 540-752-4607 or email​
Introduction to PostalCAD 530201-39
PostalCAD Plant Layout 530201-38
PostalCAD Standardization 530201-34
​Please note NEOSYS Corporation is a US Postal Service contractor and cannot charge your finance number for the course fees. Each student is issued an invoice at the time of registration and your payment is due within 30 days after your last class date. You may submit your payment by USPS check or by charging it to your USPS
VISA credit card. Please note lodging expenses are not included with the course fees. Student must arrange lodging directly with the Training Center using a USPS finance number.
See our Course Matrix for course prerequisites,
or for determining which course best suits your experience level.
See our Calendar page for a posting of available class dates and times.