Custom On-Site Training
For Postal sites needing our specialized PostalCAD classes yet cannot send students off-site for training, NEOSYS Corporation instructors can travel directly to you. This is especially useful when travel budgets are tight, resulting in significant savings when students train in their own area or facility. The only cost is the tuition fee per student and the instructor’s travel expenses.
For these custom on-site courses, a minimum of six students is required, with a maximum of nine students per instructor. Classes may be taught at your facility or other Postal location in your area.
For additional information on this excellent training option or for a complete price quote, please contact:
Kelly Williams 540-752-4607 or by email
See our Course Matrix for course prerequisites,
or for determining which course best suits your experience level.
See our Calendar page for a posting of available class dates and times.
Learn about course sign-up procedures on our Registration page.